
The sizzle is mouthwatering... and the taste is unmistakable

From Ribeyes to Strip Steaks to Burgers and more, it's all about Beef on the grill this summer, California.

Savings on beef & our summer grilling sweepstakes

Get your grilling favorites started with this offer from the California Beef Council through Checkout 51. And enter for your chance to win our SUMMER GRILLING PRIZE PACK!


Get Your Savings

  • Use the Checkout 51 mobile app or online to save $2 when you spend $10 or more on your favorite steaks for grilling this summer.


Enter To Win

  • Register for your chance to win our Summer Grilling Prize Pack! No purchase necessary.

Need grilling inspiration?

Pitmaster Rasheed Philips shares some of his tips and tricks to help elevate your beef game. Courtesy of BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com
SIMPLE STEAK SWAPS: Beef’s great versatility means there are plenty of options for every taste and budget with these SIMPLE STEAK SWAPS.

Sizzled in California

  • California cattle ranchers and beef producers like 3rd-generation rancher Celeste Settrini provide habitat for wildlife while also giving their cattle “room to roam.”

GRILLING FAVORITES: It’s always time to fire up the grill and we’ve got just what you’re looking for.


There has never been a better time to gather around the grill and enjoy family, friends and great food, topped off with that unmistakable, oh-so-wonderful Sizzle.